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What exactly are the color differences between BBR and Wheaten Cockerels?

Merry Christmas to all!!!!!
Does anyone know what the standard is for the different color varieties? We have OEGB spangleds and I'm trying to find what is looked for in the color. I can find everything on the conformation. I am mostly wondering because our hens have two white feathers on each of their wings that did not used to be there.

Also, we have some blue OEGBs and the rooster's comb looks funky. Not sure if it was dubbed right or if I have no clue, probably both or definitely the latter!
If anyone could give me their opinion on this I would appreciate it.

Thank you for replying. Should my son not show him in junior shows then? Will it be a disqualification or just some points knocked off? He is just starting showing and he is very excited. I don't think so much about winning anything but more about being part of it. You know?
As short as it is it would be up to the judge.It is so short that it could be considered to short to show.The standard says must have some semblance of a comb.It's close.I would probably take the bird and just let your son enjoy the experience.Like you said it's not all about winning.
Yeah, definitely looks like a bad dubbing job, poor guy!

I have a bit of a dilemma if anyone can help. I bought a trio of splash OEGB a few months back. They are young and I've only gotten a few eggs from them. So far none of the eggs have hatched until last night. I was very excited to see that it did hatch since I need these guys to pay me back for themselves

I have had these 3 in a pen/tractor since the day I got them. The only times they've been out of the pen is once when I had to clean their nest box out (I took them out of the pen and put them in a cage) and once a few weeks ago when I entered them in the KY poultry association's show. Other than that they have been in the pen together with no access to any other birds (except through the wire).

Anyway, the dilemma is this. The one little chick looks right except for the fact that it has feathered legs??? How in the world did I get a feather legged chick from 3 pure OEGB who haven't been around any other roosters? All three of the splash are clean legged with no signs of feathered shanks. I have been told that a suspect recessive feather-leg gene exists, I'm thinking I have evidence to support that theory.

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