Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Silver duckwings are one of my favorites.
Not a bad looking bird, given his light hackle color you would be best served placing him over Bb red hens, save the pullets and place them back under him, that will darken the hackles.

Oh I dont really plan on breeding him
I keep mine as pets. Like I said I just like looking at them. If I had more experience with genetics I would probably do it but I just enjoy watching them walk around and how pretty they are
Im very much just a chicken hobbyist. Besides I wouldnt know where to look to get another. He was in a straight run bantam bin at a feed store. But I dont hold that against him hehe... or the fact hes kinda a big (well not really big) weiner... Hes the only Roo Ive ever known to HIDE BEHIND the girls when he sees "danger" Haha

But thank you!

And Farmgirl if you were talking to me then Thank you too

EDIT: Oh and he isnt big at all! LOL Just a close up shot
Camera adds 10 pounds LOL Hes alot smaller than my RIR Bantam Roo who weighs a whopping 2lbs Im guessing he isnt much bigger than 1-1.5lbs But he runs too fast to catch LOL
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To Kaelinstorm: pretty little roo, how old is he?

Another topic: My little 6 mo. old OEGB roo has become very mean, he's actually coming after me when I open the pen & trying to flog me. I tell him NO very harshly & actually hit him. I end up picking him up & restraining him but he seems to be getting worse. He's so little he can't hurt me but I raised him from 2 weeks old, he's been petted & handled a lot......what can I do?

owner of 20+ American Games, 3 Bantams, 6 racehorses, 1 Longhorn cross heifer, 11 Painted Desert sheep, 2 goats, 1 housedog, 2 housecats & several outside cats
owner of 20+ American Games, 3 Bantams, 6 racehorses, 1 Longhorn cross heifer, 11 Painted Desert sheep, 2 goats, 1 housedog, 2 housecats & several outside cats

Is he alone in teh pen or with other birds? Often when they reach that 5-8 month mark and start to come into thier own they begin to try to establish dominance, If he is teh dominant bird in the pen he is taking his natural protective role for teh other birds which is a good thing, hitting, kicking, throwing him will only make it worse as he will begin to see you, teh feed bucket, etc. as a sparing partner and threat. A spray bottle, or water hose might work like training a dog spray him with a stream, otherwise keep a treat for him he will eat from your hand rather than flog you since he is looking for a treat.
owner of 20+ American Games, 3 Bantams, 6 racehorses, 1 Longhorn cross heifer, 11 Painted Desert sheep, 2 goats, 1 housedog, 2 housecats & several outside cats

I have preggo brain so the dates are all fuzzy but I want to say he is about 6 months old now... Maybe 7 months. He's old enough to crow and the girls I bought with him are laying eggs already.
sjarvis00: He's in with another OEGB roo the same age & a pullet the same age. I'm always giving them "treats", I give them watermelon rinds or apple cores everyday. I'll try the water squirting idea & see if that slows him down any. Thanks
Getting ready to start bathing some birds. We have 7 to get clean. My boys ready to go now. LOL He's really liking the whole process.
it can be a chore we have been keeping 30-40 put up for show season, with nationals coming up it will likely increase to 50+, or I will say to heck with it and just set the winter breed pens. It all depends on how serious the boy's are about helping this time..
look how dark his barring looks, that's because he seems to be heterozygous for sex linked Barring(B/b)

that's a good idea, seems he lacks the red enhancers that BBR have, he seems to be just Gold Duckwing OEG..
it can be a chore we have been keeping 30-40 put up for show season, with nationals coming up it will likely increase to 50+, or I will say to heck with it and just set the winter breed pens. It all depends on how serious the boy's are about helping this time..

Thats just amazing. I don't see how you can do it. I would love to have a few kids to mentor.

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