Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

need to know what brought in the white to start with.. What color is thier under down? white or slatey grey? what is thier eye color light brown or red? if thier under down is white then they are likely crossed and your best bet is to start over rather than fight the battles. Good wheaton and Blue Wheaton are readily available at fair prices.
i would say breed them and see... if they have good type and you hatch out a bunch of chicks you are bound to get some with no white on them... but you wont know tell you try... and if they are not the really good type i would not bother...
Bear in mind that I know about silkies not OEGBs

Can you breed self-blue and black for splits? If not an acceptable practice, is anyone going to the Nov 26 Dalton show that has a self blue cock for sale?
I have had white feathers show up due to injury. ie another bird yanked out a feather and the new one was white. just a thought

I have decided to sell my spangles, I am trying to focus on a couple of breeds. they are less than 2 years old and were purchased from a master breeder
the hen is exceptional


there are also two breeder quality hens.
This is my second year to really try and understand the way a OEGB should look. Conformation. Its starting to sink in. The one thing I can't seem to get is the females. What are a few points to look for in the females. I have read the standard, quite a few times, and try to follow along on the threads. Any pic I find of a winning female I study it.

The pullet in the pic is one that was RV and !st in her pullet class. She is one that I raised and bred from my own stock. What makes her good and what hurts her. I knew she had type just can't put my finger on it. Any comments please. I know pics are hard to judge.

Sorry, I'll try and reduce the size.
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