Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Okay here they are. I have 3 of the light ones, 3 of the dark ones with eye stripes. Other then that they look exactly the same, with some slight variations throughout the feathering.. being a hint of gold, silver or cream.

We tragically lost our splash OEG bantam roo a few weeks ago, and I would very much like to find a replacement. Would prefer a splash or blue roo (if blue, should be from black/blue/splash breeding).

I'm near Danbury CT and the Hudson Valley area of NY.

If you have a roo available or just know of a breeder in the area I could contact, I would be most grateful. I've tried google and our local chicken email list, and no luck so far finding anyone close enough who is breeding OEG banties. I would drive a couple of hours if I cannot find anyone closer, and that would mean most of Connecticut and the lower Hudson Valley area would be within that circle.

I'm looking for an adult roo - I know I could order chicks, but I'd prefer to get some company for the hens as soon as possible.

Looks like those chicks are male and female. Very cute.

There are lots of dubbing videos on U-Tube. I just use a pair of sharp scissors and cut away all the unwanted parts. It take alot of practice to get it right.
Comb, ear lobes and wattles. Done at around 7 to 9 months old. Most ppl like to wait until the tail is completely grown out.
Thank you. I think they are adorable as well :))

About dubbing - Doesnt it bleed and hurt them? How do you hold them and stop any bleeding? Why wait for that long to do it? I am squeemish so I don't know how I can do that. But I guess if youre not showing, then it really doesnt matter?

Just like say... A poodles tail being cropped for show?

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