Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

It does bleed and it does hurt. I wrap mine in a towel with just the head sticking out. I cup handfuls of ice water over the head in between cuts. Sometimes, I use flour to help with the bleeding. You need to wait until their comb has stopped growing. That's why you need to wait.
If your not showing, than there is really no reason to trim the boys.
I don't show, so I never dub mine. I think they look so much nicer with combs. I don't understand why they have to be dubbed to show. They were originally dubbed for use in cock fights which is now illegal so why keep up the practice?
It's been a little while since I posted some pics of my boys.
Here's Bunty at 8.5 weeks, he's got his saddle feathers and has developed a nice green sheen to his feathers. Such a handsome boy. Do all OEGB cockerels like having their waddles and combs rubbed? They're still looking for new homes.
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Very cute pics all!

I have to say I've only had my little OEGB chicks for about a week now and they are the cutest little things I've ever seen. I am used to my families chickens and helping to raise them (Silkies) and I think OEGB are just tough little guys! I have had some very minor issues with them such as gasping when we first got home, that was fixed by giving sugar water.

Now, Is it normal...

At a week old to be "Play fighting?" I just went out and checked them, and they were all chest bumping eachother! I have 3 roosters and 3 hens in there. It was too adorble for words.
Sad day today, my boys went to a new home.

They're going to be free range tick control on a farm with cows.
Bunty in the back, Ginger in the front.
Awh, growing so well. :) Are we all still thinking Silverduck wing? Could it be anything else? They are all silver and black and white chests.

Those are Silver Duckwing... Breast color will come in with more age. Males will be black breasted females a light to medium salmon.

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