Hello BackYarders


10 Years
Apr 15, 2013
I established my first flock years ago and had 24 layers at one point. My husband and I started to travel more and eventually, I made the choice to rehome all of my girls.

We're home more now, and out of the blue someone I had purchased a couple of hens from contacted me a month ago to see if I'd be interested in taking his flock of 6. He needed to rehome them due to health issues. And just like that, I was back in the chicken business, lol.

I currently have his six plus 9 pullets that I've added over the past two weeks. (although it's looking like one of them might be a rooster). I'm not sure what breed the older buff colored ones are, but the pullets are a Buff and a Dark Brahma, two Rhode Island Reds, a Copper Maran, an ISO Brown, a Barred Rock, an Aracauna, (maybe) and a black Australorp (I think).

Keeping chickens allows me to enjoy my love of all birds. They are just amazing creatures and I'm happy to have a flock to interact with and care for again. Beyond chickens, I enjoy painting and photography, writing, and spending time with my family. I've got a crazy labradoodle and three cats that I enjoy too! Never a dull moment!

I am happy to re-activate my BackYard Chickens account and look forward to being part of this community!


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