Hello chicken lovers!


5 Years
May 16, 2018
Hi there!

While I am new to the BackYard Chickens community, I am not brand new to chickens. I got my first chickens roughly 4 years ago, and sadly haven't had much luck. My first flock was killed in a barn fire, and my second flock was a bit unexpected, and plagued with Marek's. Now, I am trying again with a new set, and so far so good! I haven't lost a single chick out of 11 which is way better odds than I usually have. Right now I have:

1 Black Cochin
1 Blue frizzle Cochin
1 White? Cochin
2 Lavender Orpingtons
1 Cream Brabanter
1 Blue Lace Red Wyandotte(I had 2, gave one to a friend)
2 Ameraucanas
1 Buff mystery chicken

On top of these beauties, I have one cat and one dog personally. My dog is a working line German Shepherd who will- fingers crossed- keep that pesky fox away from my chickens! My dog is my other hobby. Together we do obedience and agility, but we are not competing yet. I plan on doing nose and protection work with her in the future.

Anyways, thanks for any future help and I am so excited to learn from everyone!
Egg shaped welcome.jpg
I hope that the third time is the Charm!

Enjoy the flock

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