Hello :D Glad to be here


9 Years
May 7, 2010
Well I was raised on a small zoo lol and I finally got my own place and decided I was going to get me some chickens! I now have 2 amazing chickens living inside my home. They started outside first and we did have 6 to start with but someone actually stole them. Luckily one day while I was outside I heard some chirping, sprinted out of my gate and ran a couple yards over and found these two in someones yard. They gave them back.... Then the other day a snake got into their coop OH NO! And now they are officially indoor chickens. I will not have a snake or person getting these babies lol. They adapted really well with homemade diapers so that is a plus and they love snuggling and falling asleep in my arms. My husband was a little shocked when he saw two chickens running around the house in diapers but considering I have 10 other birds what did he really expect? I am an animal lover lol

Anyways it's great to find a chicken forum! I look forward to getting to know everyone and of course Navi and Sylar say hello.

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! Your two Polish babies are absolutely adorable.
I'm sure they're spoiled, too! You'll make lots of friends and learn tons of new things here.
I will draw a diagram and post it on here after dinner. It is REALLY easy to do. Alot of people put velcro or snaps on them and such but I find that is to tedious when you have to make them often due to growing chicks so I have come up with a really easy way of sewing only a small part and the rest of it is ties. Works perfect. Promise to get pictures up later on today.
Here is a diagram of the diaper and a couple pictures of the diaper off the chicken. I put panty liners in the diapers and it holds everything nicely.


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For these type of diapers that you don't unsnap anywhere it is best to use really stretchy fabric such as t-shirt type material so you can easily slip it onto the chicken. If it isn't stretchy chances are the chicken will either get upset by the pull of it or even hurt by putting it on. If you decide to put a snap or velcro on the top neck part then any type of fabric will work. Also, t-shirt material does not fray so you don't have to worry about hemming it or anything like that. This is a very quick way to make a diaper in about 15 minutes or so. When you get done making the diaper all you have to do is slip the neck part over the bird's neck, pull it down where it is supposed to be, slip the bottom part between the birds legs, make sure the top part is in between the wings, put your thumb and pointer finger through the tail hole and gently pull the tail feathers through and just situate the poop catcher around the tail end and there you go. They obviously can look better than the ones I have. They were a quick fix to having my chickens inside. I will be going to get more fabric tomorrow and will make some cuter ones at that point. With these diapers you can attach small metal loops onto the back fabric and hook leashes too if you want to take your chicken to the pet store with you and such. My chickens are around 8 weeks old and they are perfectly fine with the diaper. When I first put them on they started walking backwards for about 20 minutes and then learned they could fly, roll around, run and all that stuff in them and they haven't shown any issues since. Also as a side note, with stretchy fabric it will be perfect for them getting to their oil glands. I see mine sticking their head underneath the back strip with ease.

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