Hello Everyone 👋🏻


Apr 30, 2022
I'm a newbie to the forums and chickens. I joined in April and I've been reading like mad. Months leading up to getting my baby girls, everyone I spoke to kept telling me, "Oh they are so easy". I come here read as much as I can, to prepare and keep my little flock happy and healthy. Only to realize, I have a lot to learn.
I just want to give a great big
THANK YOU to everyone that has already interacted with me. You have all been very welcoming, kind and helpful. I am not new to forums. That being said, I am extremely impressed with the decorum on these forums. Not once has anyone 'chicken shamed' me for my inexperience. Thank you for that. I look forward to learning as much as I can, while gaining some new friends along the way. I am very happy to be a member of this lovely community.

Thank you in advance, for all I will be learning within these forums. 😊

Stay well everyone,

** My Flock **👇🏻

My Flock.jpg

Eve - Easter Egger
Merci - Plymouth Barred Rock
Jessica - Green Queen EE
Grace - Buff Brahma
Lily - Cream Legbar
Faith - Black Copper Maran
Hope - Speckled Sussex
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