Hello Everyone! I'm so excited to finally join

Hello, my name is Imogen and I live in Wasilla, Alaska. My husband and I had been putting off chickens until we had a little more space (and fewer neighbours) to keep them and finally bought a house after many months of looking. On a side note many worthy houses were left un-bought by us because they forbid poultry in the CCR's. Realtors would give me the weirdest looks when the first question out of my mouth was about if we could keep chickens or not! I have lurked here a while loving all the pictures of your beautiful chooks and am so excited to finally be a part of the community. We are placing orders for chicks in the next few weeks to be collected in the earlyish spring. Any and all advice is appreciated! We have a Rooster already that is my husband's mascot for his unit who we are the primary caretakers for so we have some experience but I'm sure I am about to discover how different a flock is to just the one chicken. We are planning on getting a mix of Australorps, Wyandottes and Orpingtons. Any other breed recommendations that are cold hardy but also can take a bit of heat are welcome!

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