Hello everyone out there in chicken land!


5 Years
Jun 4, 2014
Hi there folks,
This is my first post of any kind on here. I am trying to figure the site out. I am hardly computer literate and even less chicken literate. I joined a while back because i was told that this is a great place to network for useful info Re: good chicken rearing for productive egg laying. My beautiful wife and daughter are intolerant of store bought eggs and we found out that we can raise our own chickens for fresh eggs. we live in the city and are raising them in a coop my wife found plans for online. The coop turned out pretty darned nice (if I do say so myself) and we started raising the chicks into adulthood in the house as soon as they were large enough I put them in the backyard coop. (****** near ruined my guest bedroom.) Lol. So any tips, hints, tidbits of chicken wisdom will be greatly appreciated. I have a question Re: feeding their shells back to our cluckers for calcium supplement. My daughter says in order to do that we must painstakingly remove the membrane that lines the inside their shell as it is bad for them. I see, however; videos on youtube that others are just drying them in the sun or nuking them in the microwave for a minute and a half and then simply crush them and mix with food. No probs. Right? My question is is the membrane which lines their own eggs toxic to the chickens or do the shells just need to be dry in order avoid introducing any potentially hazardous bacteria? Any thought folks?

Sincerely, 1cluckyhubby.
YAY! So glad you have joined us! Pics of your coop?? I wanna see! Yes, this site is a wealth of information! I joined up for the same reasons almost 4 years ago! Now I'm the crazy chicken lady at the feed store I work at now, haha! As far as feeding shells back, I have never read anything that says you have to remove the membrane....simply bake in the oven or dry out in some other manner, crush and feed back! Let me know if you have any other questions, it sounds like you are on the right track! What kinds of birds do you have?
Hello from Oregon - welcome to BYC & the crazy world of chickens. You should post pics of your chickens & your coop :) I feed the eggs shells back to the flock as well. A lot of us do. I rinse mine, let them dry a little then bake them for 5-10 min. I let them cool then i crush them up very small & offer it back to the flock a few times a week. I peel some of the membranes away but don't necessarily know that its bad for them. Best of luck
Greetings! Welcome to BYC! Feel free to ask any questions you may have! This site is a great resource, I'm sure you'll find answers to all you questions here. :)
Hope all goes well with your flock!

Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

No, you do not need to remove the membrane before feeding your chickens their own egg shells. Just dry the egg shells well and break them up into small pieces. The membrane won't harm them.

Please feel to ask any other questions you may have- we'll be happy to help in any way we can!

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