Hello Everyone


Jul 27, 2016
Hi, everyone. I am new to the world of Seramas but I am doing my research and learning as much as possible before I purchase my special babies form someone soon this year or next year. I have been reading as much literature as I can find over this past year and I have found this community here to be very helpful.

I am also on the hunt for the right contact information for Ken who goes by Laserama on here as well. If anyone has his website or contact information would you please send it to me. I would greately appreciate it. Please and Thank You.
Yes, that's him. I have read through alot of his post and sent him a message but also noticed he hasn't been on here in a while so I wasn't sure if he still comes here. Everything I found for contact was a dead end. Then I found that he post on the SCNA. So I signed up there in hopes of finding him but the SCNA website when I try to register does not send the conformation e-mail like it should so I end up getting booted out and I have tried to register a couple different days now. I finally sent an E-Mail to Jerry hoping he could help me figure out what the problem is so I can get back to my hunting.
I really want to speak with Ken trying hard to make it happen. Lol
Thank you guys for helping me, I appreciate it. :)
Thank you all for welcoming me. I have found tons of information on here that has helped me out with all my researching on Seramas. I have wanted some chickens for the last two years. I have read lots of literature on a few different breeds of interest and the only two I love the best are the Seramas and laced polish chickens. I am interested in showing. I have a couple poultry shows that I am getting ready to hit this year and I am super excited. I am sure I will meet some great people in person as well as have fun learning 1st hand what the shows are about. I am preparing and soaking up all the knowledge I can before I make a purchase on my chickens. The hunt for knowledge on these breeds and speaking with everyone is key in making sure I don't make mistakes. Again thanks everyone for all your help. :)
I discovered the Seramas over the past year and have been hooked ever since. The table top shows sound amazing and fun. I literally drove my husband crazy with chicken talk. Lol
He laughs and says chickens chickens chickens, that's all ya have on your mind all the time, when are ya going to get off the computer and spend some time with me? Lol
My reply when I get my chickens and then you have to share my time with me and my babies. Lol
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