Hello Everyone! :)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Okay first i'm extremely new to not only this site but to the whole chicken farming experience.
I have always wanted chickens just never made it a priority but this past Saturday as i was walking through Santuck (a huge yard sale held every month) I ran across a booth that was selling what I think was day old chicks. I wasn't sure how well the whole thing would work out so I only got 2. And they have been doing great, eating, drinking, making LOTS of noise etc.. this morning my boyfriend went to change their water and realized my little red one (i dont know what kind they are) was acting a little weird. now it is just laying there opening and closing its mouth. ive got it laying on a heating pad on low. so what now? please help
Perhaps mods could move to the Emergency thread??? I'm not sure, as I've not seen this before, good luck
You might want to check the area for emergencies...perhaps post a message there? I hope the chick is ok.
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hello everyone. My name is Sally and I am in Waynesville,Ohio. First time on here!

Have been raising chickens for about 8 years. I raise them for fun, eggs and my son shows in 4H. I have had a little of everything. Right now I have Light Sussex's and Welsummers. I have also found a pair of bantam Salmon Faverolle's for my son to show in 4H. I am very excited about those.

I am getting ready to incubate eggs for the first time! have someone giving me a bator and a hutch which I will use for a brooder. Hope to hatch healthy babies and have a lot fun!

Have a great day!
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We will need some info. How old, do you have them under a heat lamp, what degree?, day old chicks start at 95 degrees, reduce weekly by 5 degrees. What kind of feed, does it have poop stuck on it's behind? If it is panting, it may be too hot.
Oh and

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