Hello from a Proud Rooster Owner

from California, what a beautiful boy! And very lucky to get to live in the house with you.
Hi to all,

I just want to say that since I signed up here, it's been a pleasure reading and connecting with all of you. Since I introduced me and my pet rooster here, I thought it would be fair to share with you all that he unfortunately passed away last night. He has been with us for 3 years and has made me very happy at his loyalty and dedication to me. He died in my arms, but I know that he's in a better place now where he can eat as much as he wants and poop as much as he wants :) Still, I'm relieved that he wasn't stolen and killed.

Take care and it was fun being here.

How very sad! Well, I am sorry you lost your boy. Now you need a new one! :hugs

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