Hello from Alberta


In the Brooder
Aug 16, 2015
Hello everyone, I will do the usual and start with a little info about myself. I am a Mom to 2 boys 15 & 12, we live on 5 acres in Northern Alberta, Canada. I work as an Office Manager in a Funeral Home in a small farming community. I love animals of all kinds and seem to acquire animals constantly, I currently have 12 Chickens 3 Dogs and 2 cats...I am a very hands on person and love working with anything that offers a challenge, kids included haha

I'm very new to the chicken world. Ive never had any interest in chickens and now I'm constantly trying to find out ways to add to my flock, (2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Plymouth Rocks, 4 Light Sussex and 4 Leghorns) My Plymouth Rocks and RIR I have raised from 3 days old, They are currently 3.5 months, The Sussex and Leghorns we got about a month ago, removed from deplorable conditions and slowly regained their slight affections (ok not the leghorns lol though we try)

Through the past few months I have googled OH SO MANY chicken things, and Backyard Chickens always seems to come up with so much amazing information, and everyone seems to be so helpful, that I thought I need to be a part of this! :)

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Hi Mamabear, so glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock. You may be interested in visiting "Canadians - check-in here" to meet other chicken folks and find out what they are doing.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) With you being from Alberta, we're going to be neighbors shortly (relatively speaking) as we are moving to Kalispell, Montana, near Glacier National Park, the first week or so in September. Your chicks are adorable. Thanks for posting their pics. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your chicks.

Nice intro, thanks for sharing some photos too! Having had both kids and chickens, I'm not sure which one is the most challenging to raise, lol. You sound like someone that truly enjoys their animals, how nice for them and you.

Feel free to ask questions, share stories & pictures and jump in on the discussions. Everyone here is very welcoming and it's helpful (as well as fun) to share experiences.

It's nice to have you here!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I love those chicks! And their names are so cute! Good luck with them and welcome to our community.
Thank you everyone. the chicks are about 15 weeks now, I will find a place to bombard you all with photos, haha

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