Hello from central FL


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2016
Central FL
I'm a 26 year old stay at home mom living in central FL. I've kept chickens my whole life for eggs and hobby mostly. My 2 year old has never even had a store bought egg
While I'm not new to chickens, I don't claim to be an expert. I've already learned a few things just by thumbing through the forum. I only have 3 hens currently they free range most of the day. I have had the same hens for about 4 years. I'm in the market to refresh the flock actually. I would like to get some special breeds this time around. I've always kept Barred Rock, Rhode Island reds, or Leg horns. Basically what ever my Local feed store gets in the spring.

I do have a question right off the bat though. My husband is bringing home 12 bobwhites Friday. I know they shouldn't be kept with chickens and we plan on making them a separate enclosure outside. I would like for them to be on the ground. it seems like it would be more natural for them, but this is my first time with bobwhites. Any info tips or considerations I should know before we start constructions for our new friends? What do they like to nest in? Do they need a house like hens? A place to roost? Do they even roost?
How far away from the chickens should they be? Hes isn't giving me much time to learn about them so I' trusting ya'll.

Thanks in advance
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! What a lovely introduction, I have really enjoyed reading. We have a great section in the learning centre on quail ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/other-backyard-poultry-ducks-quail-turkeys-geese-etc
I'm sure you will find it most helpful. Please do pop by the quail section of the forum where I'm sure the quail keepers will be able to help you with all your questions ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/48/quail

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy your time here on BYC :frow
Greetings from E Orlando! Hope you enjoy the site as much as I do, it's very cool with a ton of info.

Have your hens slowed down with the egg production yet? I have 1 hen who is 18 months old and has already slowed down quite a bit.
Get your husband to read it all - I'm sure you have enough to keep you busy. Welcome to BYC
Im the brains, he's the muscle

Greetings from E Orlando! Hope you enjoy the site as much as I do, it's very cool with a ton of info.

Have your hens slowed down with the egg production yet? I have 1 hen who is 18 months old and has already slowed down quite a bit.
Yes, they don't produce nearly as much as they did at first, but they still super healthy and have been a real joy. Over the years we have lost a few due to this or that, so I plan on adding in about 4 or 5 more.

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