Hello from Central Florida!!


In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2021
Five kids, 6 chickens… We got this!!! 😂 We are a homeschool family of 7, five kids ages 2-13, and recently moved to Central Florida from Middle Tennessee. Starting our backyard organic garden soon, as well as starting with our first group of backyard chickens. We will buy them in a couple weeks, for now we’re getting everything prepared. I kept finding that every time I’d google something, BYC would come up in the results, so here I am. Joining so that I can reap the full benefits of all the knowledge and expertise shared on here! You guys have been a fantastic resource so far and we‘re only beginning! 🎉
:welcome :frow Welcome to Florida. I live near Ocala. We have a farm swap twice a month. If you're ever in our area on a swap day, stop in and say hi. We love to talk chickem. I'm the old lady in the TSC hat. Good luck with your birds and have fun...

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