Hello from Central NJ!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
Joined BYC awhile ago but just getting around to posting.

We have a small mixed flock of 6 hens (2 EE's, 1 Australorp, 2 Wyandotte, and one unknown) Our girls are about 23 weeks old, have a small tractor and the run of our large grassy back yard. I posted a photo album here in BYC with photos of our girls and the coop.

This is my second time raising chickens, the first being in South Jersey when I was a kid. I wanted our 5 year old (B/G) twins to have the chicken experience and they are having a blast!

I find the reaction of my neighbors and other people in town to be mixed. Some think I'm weird and some are very interested.
Hello and welcome to BYC from Kentucky! You have some beautiful chicks and your coop really looks amazing! Very nice indeed! You should consider making a member page showing your coop and chickens.

Thank you all!
I hope they start laying soon, my husband jokes that they need to start making him some breakfast

I was wondering if I should start them on layer feed now or wait until they start laying? I have heard mixed opinions on this and felt that I should err on the side of caution and keep them on the starter. They are growing and developing well and I think they may have just molted (lots of feathers in the yard)

Another added bonus to having our girls around is that they provide lots of entertainment for my Mom who lives with us LOL!

Red Barn, thanks for the encouragement. I will see about setting up a member page.

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