Hello from Central Ohio!


Oct 19, 2018
Hello everyone, I'm a long time lurker here. We finally were able to build our chicken coop! It is about 90% finished. We are going to wait until spring to introduce chickens.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Yes, I am new to chickens.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

(3) What breeds do you have?

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?
I think from Pinterest years ago.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Does cooking and cleaning count? Ha ha. I enjoy all things DIY and love learning about sustainable living such as homestead, permaculture, solar power, etc.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I am married with 2 young children, 3 cats, 1 dog, and several fish. Sounds like a zoo for pete's sake.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?
I think Pinterest several years ago. Joining because we are finally ready to keep chickens. Hopefully meet others in my area also.
Hello everyone, I'm a long time lurker here. We finally were able to build our chicken coop! It is about 90% finished. We are going to wait until spring to introduce chickens.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Yes, I am new to chickens.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

(3) What breeds do you have?

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?
I think from Pinterest years ago.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Does cooking and cleaning count? Ha ha. I enjoy all things DIY and love learning about sustainable living such as homestead, permaculture, solar power, etc.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I am married with 2 young children, 3 cats, 1 dog, and several fish. Sounds like a zoo for pete's sake.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?
I think Pinterest several years ago. Joining because we are finally ready to keep chickens. Hopefully meet others in my area also.
farmer connie 5765775.jpg

Hello & welcome to the site!:frow


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