Hello from Colorado!!!

and Welcome To BYC! X2, here is a nice thread/article on breaking broodys https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/181289/how-to-break-a-broody-hen the cage method usually works well, some are pretty stubborn and will take a week or so, but most do give up. I like to hand small food/water bowls on the side of the cage since a lot of hens will try to sit in bowls. Some people also put a small fan under the cage to cool the bird off more. You might also like to check out your state thread for your neighbors. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/68894/colorado

X 2 Hi, Nina, welcome to BYC.
Hi there, welcome! I'm pretty new too. While we have had chickens for a few years - I'm just now getting up to speed on my local / online resources :) Broodiness abounds here in our Denver backyard! Been able to hatch away but now need a break! Literally!

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