Hello from Connecticut!


13 Years
Mar 3, 2011
Western WI
Hello everyone! Like I said I am from a little town in Connecticut. I attend the University of Connecticut where I am an animal science major with hopes of becoming a veterinarian. I am not a chicken owner YET - I just ordered my first 6 the other day! SOOOO excited! I'm getting one of each of these: BPR, EE, BB, Partridge Cochin, Golden laced Wyandotte, and Delaware, all pullets, from Meyer Hatchery. I chose Meyer mostly becuse of all the great reviews I have read on this site (I think I read all of them actually!) and I am looking for any advise that I can get. Thanks so much and I hope to get to know all of you crazy chicken people! :-D
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from Washington.
Welcome Mallory ! My son is a animal science major too. He is currently in NY but will be going to West Conn next semester. Glad your become a chicken fan. If you need anything just ask.

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