Hello from Dallas, GA.


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2016
I've been lurking for a while, mostly looking for information about how to break one of my hens from eating her own eggs. But, I decided y'all seem like good folk, and I decided to join y'all. So, hey from Dallas, Ga.

A little bit about myself.
Well, Dallas is an semi rural area, so we have a mixture of subdivisions, and small areas of homes with more then an acre or two
.I have a teenage son, and husband. We are very involved in our sons school. He is on the football team, and the wrestling team. He has also finally decided what he wants to study when he gets to college. So, we have been checking out all the schools with agriculture programs.
We also have 5 dogs, and one fat cat. We recently lost both of her playmates, one due to getting hit by a car, and the other one had health problems. We have a small fish pond that has about 20+/- goldfish in it right now. Were going to recycle an old hot tub into another pond so the fish will have more room this year. Well that's the plan anyway.

I look forward to finding some great information, and maybe making some virtual friends along the way.
Hi Judy and
- glad that you have joined us. If you search "preventing egg eating" you should get some suggestions.

If you wish, you may consider joining your state thread. It will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area, which can be helpful (just type the name of your state in the search box).

All the best
Hi :welcome Judy

Glad you could join the flock! You sound like your very busy there! Many of us were lurkers before joining, me included. Did you manage to stop the egg eating that was happening? It sure is a pain when they start doing that.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
On several of the social threads on here, the people have sons on the wrestling team and they go to the matches often. Being a female, I never knew it was so popular.
On several of the social threads on here, the people have sons on the wrestling team and they go to the matches often. Being a female, I never knew it was so popular.
I have learned more about wrestling in the last 5 years, then I ever knew in my whole life. High school wrestling is a lot of fun to watch.

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