Hello from Delaware


6 Years
Sep 24, 2013
Hello all! I was a member on here quite awhile ago but have been off the lists for a bit. I am trying to revamp everything as well as find a new home for me and my critters. In the meantime I will have my website up and going shortly.

Just a little about myself, I have been on this homesteading path for a few years, learning by trial and error. My rabbitry has grown and I raise Silver Fox, Chinchilla (American/Standard), Harlequin and New Zealands (Red/Black). As you can see, mostly meat breeds and that is what they are raised for. My Silver Fox are purebreds from good lines and I sell those as breeders and pets but the rest I raise for myself. I love the harlequins for their quiet laid back attitudes but they are slow to grow out so for my own purposes I am interbreeding them with the New Zealands and occasionally my Silver Fox buck. I have not had a whole lot of luck with my American Chinchillas and only have a Standard doe, I will eventually concentrate on them again because I think keeping the heritage breeds going is important.

I also raise Muscovy ducks and Standard, Royal Palm and Buff turkeys along with an assortment of free range chickens.

I hope to be more active on here as I reestablish my public presence.

Good homesteading to you all!


World Tree Rabbitry
@SeaFlame Homestead
Welcome back.

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