Hello from Fort Worth, Texas!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 9, 2009
Fort Worth, Texas
I've been a lurker for several months so thought it was time to come out of the coop! We live on 2 acres in an old suburb of Fort Worth. We started out with Missouri Fox Trotters many years ago. We breed and showed for several years. Then age caught up with us and the work was too much so we sold them. We dabbled in chickens for several years but a coyote family ended up eating our last 3 pets several years ago. We tryed again 2 years ago but a racoon got in the coop and ate the heads off all our new pullets. At the end of the summer my DH worked and worked and turned two of our horse stalls into a secure indoor and outdoor chicken facility. So now we have 50 assorted breeds from McMurrey and 3 silkes and 2 bantum cochins. Also, 1 RR rooster and mystery roo thats was our "special" chick from McMurrays. Our girls should start laying in March. I just ordered some call duck eggs off ebay to try and hatch. My husband was a custom home builder and now is a house husband due to no home building going on. He is also buying, fixing and selling windmills. He put one up on our property and we hope to have the well drilled soon. We want to use it to keep a large stock tank or maybe pond full for the waterfowl we hope to get. I am a RN that travels all over Texas for Texas Medicaid. So thank goodness DH can stay home. Anyway Hello everyone!

Hi HI! Nice to see another DFW Neighbor!

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