Hello from Hope's Happiest Hens

Amelia Kellum

Mar 30, 2022
Hello fellow chicken enthusiasts,
I like to think of my chickens as the luckiest chickens in the world, free ranging in beautiful BC, Canada. I have been keeping laying hens as pets 4 years. I have half a dozen americaunas and nearly as many buff brahmas. I have a Lemon Pyle Brahma and a pair of true blues and true green whitings too. I'll be getting blue laced red Wyandottes in May and I am excited. I like beautiful chickens and colourful eggs. My best friend is Margaret Hatcher, she sits on my shoulder. I have one rooster, Benedict Cumberhatch, he is a gentle giant breed, I adore the lemon Pyle Brahmas. All of my chickens have funny names and all of them are loved.
Your flock sounds gorgeous, and I love the funny names. Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes are so pretty; my BLRW was part of a package deal. If I wanted that beauty, the owner insisted I take two other hens. Of course, I did!

BYC is a great community for learning, sharing and just plain enjoying all things relating to chickens. Welcome to you and yours! Let us know when you get those new lovelies in May.
Welcome to BYC. So glad to meet you. What a beautiful sounding flock, and such witty names! Best wishes with your birds and your plans. Enjoy those birds!

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