Hello from horselover1999


May 2, 2015
Hi, I am a 15 year old girl that lives in Oklahoma. I am in a 4-H light horse club and soon to be poultry club member. I am also a member of my local FFA chapter. I have two dogs, Maggie, a "lab" mutt that looks nothing like a lab at all, and Dulce de Leche, an Australian Shepard. I love riding horses and have been since I was 4. I don't have a horse yet but I remind my parents every day. I have 6 chickens right now, 2 red sex links, 2 partridge cochins, 1 white? cochin that was supposed to be a blue, and 1 splash cochin. The partridge cochins hate me the most and the splash cochins hate me the least, but loves it when I pick her up to pet her. I also play the clarinet in my school's marching band.

Dulce and Maggie
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! You have some lovely animals there your dogs look great. Lovely pic of them. I've not had Cochins before but have had sex links and they were excellent layers very rarely missing a day. I ride too I've got just the one horse that I've had for the past 12 years. He's 19 now and is an ex racehorse.

Hope you enjoy BYC, I am sure you will everyone here to help and very friendly :frow

I'm a lot older than you, a lot..lol...but I had my day of riding. So thankful for those memories. We could not afford a horse, but I went riding with friends that had them, then married someone who's mother had them. Oh I love love those memories. I also would have had a horse of my own in a heart beat if I could have. I can't ride anymore, but I still love being around them, I love the smell of a horse!
Ok, if you want friendly chickens, try some leghorns. Now I know that people are going, say what? I have to have a leghorn in my small flock, at all times. Always one of the friendliest in the flock, and I get an egg a day. Also, I just got a brown sex link for this yr. I had noo idea they were soo friendly. Mine will come up to me, follow me around, peck at my buttons, of course she thinks it's a treat. :) Gives me an egg almost every day. A lot of friendly ones out there. I am surprised that your cochin isn't friendly. I love my bantam cochins. Always sweet and friendly. Well, have fun here. Lots of good folks. Go to your state thread...you will find a lot of close by friendly people. :)

I'm a lot older than you, a lot..lol...but I had my day of riding. So thankful for those memories. We could not afford a horse, but I went riding with friends that had them, then married someone who's mother had them. Oh I love love those memories. I also would have had a horse of my own in a heart beat if I could have. I can't ride anymore, but I still love being around them, I love the smell of a horse!
Ok, if you want friendly chickens, try some leghorns. Now I know that people are going, say what? I have to have a leghorn in my small flock, at all times. Always one of the friendliest in the flock, and I get an egg a day. Also, I just got a brown sex link for this yr. I had noo idea they were soo friendly. Mine will come up to me, follow me around, peck at my buttons, of course she thinks it's a treat. :) Gives me an egg almost every day. A lot of friendly ones out there. I am surprised that your cochin isn't friendly. I love my bantam cochins. Always sweet and friendly. Well, have fun here. Lots of good folks. Go to your state thread...you will find a lot of close by friendly people. :)
Its just that I thought that the splash cochin was going to be a roo, so I handled her more. The partridge cochins I did not know was going to be a breeding project, plus the one roo is my sister's, so it was her job to tame him. They are just hard to catch and the hen absolutely hates me and is the fastest one of all so....
So glad you joined us.

Sounds like you do keep yourself quite busy. My brother and niece also played the clarinet for their High School's marching band.

Hopefully one day you will get your own horse.
Hi, I am a 15 year old girl that lives in Oklahoma. I am in a 4-H light horse club and soon to be poultry club member. I am also a member of my local FFA chapter. I have two dogs, Maggie, a "lab" mutt that looks nothing like a lab at all, and Dulce de Leche, an Australian Shepard. I love riding horses and have been since I was 4. I don't have a horse yet but I remind my parents every day. I have 6 chickens right now, 2 red sex links, 2 partridge cochins, 1 white? cochin that was supposed to be a blue, and 1 splash cochin. The partridge cochins hate me the most and the splash cochins hate me the least, but loves it when I pick her up to pet her. I also play the clarinet in my school's marching band.

Dulce and Maggie

Oh, and your dogs are so cute!
I too am in my mid teens. Enjoy your flock.
So glad you joined us.

Sounds like you do keep yourself quite busy. My brother and niece also played the clarinet for their High School's marching band.

Hopefully one day you will get your own horse.

My mom always wonders how I fit it all in, especially since I am bad at time management.

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