Hello from Iowa


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
Norwalk, Iowa
I am a new member and very excited to be here. I raise Black Copper Marans, Birchen, Golden Cuckoo, and some Blues. I am working very hard on egg color and keeping the French Standards as my guide. I love these chickens and would love to meet other Marans breeders from Iowa or the Midwest.
from TN
Hello from Michigan! What are the bloodlines of your Marans?

I've got French Copper Blacks from Bev Davis, and another set of Jeane/Presley line. Always enjoy meeting fellow Marans breeders!

Well hello Norwalk - I'm just a bit south & west of you in Madison County near St. Charles. Nice to see a neighbor here. I have a maran roo right now, and will be looking for hens/chicks sometime this spring/summer. You'll like BYC. Michelle

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