Hello from Jackson, Ohio


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2022
Just getting back into chickens after about 2 years. We are starting with 6 chickens we picked up from a local farm. A Golden Laced Wyandotte, Sapphire Gem, Sapphire Splash, Barred Rock, and 2 Golden Comets. We also just picked up 6 Blue Laced Golden Wyandotte chicks, 6 Sapphire Gem chicks, and 6 Starlink Green Egger chicks. We wanted to get some chickens to help with bugs in the yard and have fresh eggs. We enjoy raising animals, target shooting, and just spending time with the family doing whatever. It's just my wife and I and our 3 younger kids, so we are just trying to raise them right and raise them with as much farm raised product as possible. Thank you all in advance for all the help!

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