Hello from Jefferson! (as of October)


Jun 21, 2020
Hornbrook, CA
Hi, my name is Bryan, and as of October 2020 I will likely be posting from Siskiyou County, California, or as locals call it, the Republic of Jefferson. I will be totally off grid on 2.7 acres about 10 miles east of Hornbrook. I am planning on raising chickens for meat and eggs, thus I will need chickens suitable for both, as well as chickens able to live through the winter (which is COLD there!) so as to have a perpetuating flock. Obviously I will need recommendations as to breeds that can survive the winters as well as be good for eggs and meat. As a child I watched my grandfather, who died a decade ago, raise chickens near Sacramento, so I think I have an ok base of knowledge. My username comes from an old Garfield cartoon, as well as the future internet country code for Jefferson. :cool:
Welcome to BYC Bryan, thank you for joining the flock. I well remember Garfield, and Nermal, the world's cutest kitten. I raised dogs then and named a puppy Nermal.

Remember Stretch the rubber chicken? A cartoon featuring Stretch inspired my username. Garfield tells Jon to grovel before the mighty chicken, and when Jon refuses Garfield declares "Know the wrath of the chicken!" and bonks Jon on the head with the chicken. I always thought that was a really cool line. Maybe I'll put it in my sig block on BYC.

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