Hello from Kentucky


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
Hey fellow BYC'ers, I am very avid in self sufficiency. At the moment I have 17 Laying Hens (Dominiques, Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and Rhode Island Red Rooster), 4 Muscovy Ducks and one hen has a brood of 15 Muscovy Ducklings. I have 9 Rabbits (3 Pets, 1 Breeder, 5 Babies), I plan to have 5 French Lop Does and a buck by the end of October. I will then breed for meaties. Me and my family grow a lot of our own food. Lots of fruit and vegetables and have done that for years. 3 years ago we got into chickens then rabbits then ducks. I hope this site will help show me how to improve the self sufficiency of my chickens and ducks and rabbits............
from Ohio. So glad you joined. You've come to the right place.
Welcome! It's my first day here too.

My husband and I started with chickens as well and then moved on to rabbits. Right now we have two 7-week old meat rabbits that we're waiting to breed. Our chickens haven't started laying yet (we just got then in Feb) so I'm impatiently waiting to eat fresh eggs and have tasty rabbit stew. We also have a miniature milking goat who is pregnant. By the end of the summer we're going to be eating good!

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