- May 22, 2011
- 15
- 0
- 22
Hey fellow BYC'ers, I am very avid in self sufficiency. At the moment I have 17 Laying Hens (Dominiques, Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and Rhode Island Red Rooster), 4 Muscovy Ducks and one hen has a brood of 15 Muscovy Ducklings. I have 9 Rabbits (3 Pets, 1 Breeder, 5 Babies), I plan to have 5 French Lop Does and a buck by the end of October. I will then breed for meaties. Me and my family grow a lot of our own food. Lots of fruit and vegetables and have done that for years. 3 years ago we got into chickens then rabbits then ducks. I hope this site will help show me how to improve the self sufficiency of my chickens and ducks and rabbits............