Hello from Lion Soul Homestead


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2023
Central, Wisconsin
Hello Everyone :woot

(Q1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

<A1> Yes and no, I feel like I'm pretty new to chickens, we've only been raising them for ourselves for roughly 2 years. We've had some issues with predators and had to restart, but so far so good. WE hope to go into 2024 with a mature flock as well as a maturing flock, roughly 15 birds each depends on how incubating goes. We got chickens many years ago for the first time, but then our city made rules to not allow roosters, and only a certain number of hens so we gave them to my mother-in-law.

(Q2) How many chickens do you have right now?

<A2> roughly 10 almost matured birds and 9 just getting their wing feathers in. However we hope to get some more hatching eggs from our buddy and have more before the end of the year.

(Q3) What breeds do you have?

<A3> Barred rock - one of them is a rooster, and then a few leg horns, one is also a rooster but he's been fairly mean to the hens so he probably wont be on the homestead much longer, I believe 2 smokey pearls a couple Rhode island reds, and 1 or 2 easter eggers. Our younger birds are a mix I think the rooster is americana an off white with splashes of black and brown, and the hens I think are black Australorp, rhode island red, and easter egger.

(Q4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

<A4> Seeing them grow and run around is to adorable. As well as providing eggs for our family that we know have seen the light of day every day!

(Q5) What are some of your other hobbies?

<A5> We raise other livestock such as Ducks (mixed breed), guineas, coturnix quail, kunekune pigs (looking for a male soon), mixed dairy goats. We plan to really up our quail flock before winter comes, and then possibly be selling next year. Depending on how everything goes I'll be looking into meat rabbits next spring, which I enjoy raising for our family as well as possibly for others eventually. Outside of animals though I love gardening, crocheting, digital marketing (mostly to help with our future) and learning about homesteading in general.

(Q6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

<A6> My husband and I have children that live with us, we also have a couple of puppy dogs one being almost 9 years old!! I work off the homestead still sadly, in retail, I cannot wait to retire and sell extras from our homestead or farmstead, instead of working for someone else. while we started out with rabbits / chickens long long ago, we now have a few acres in central Wisconsin, and we hope to one day move south with the income we hope to gain from selling many different products, livestock and such from our homestead.... Its my dream retirement plan to move to a warmer climate to garden closer to year-round and have most of the same breeds of animals being raised (I swear my husband and I are the only ones who have no intent on getting a dairy cow LoL ) by us and enjoy the nice weather!!

(Q7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D

<A7> Google searching for information about chickens, I've heard about it here and there over the years, but today I finally decided to add the homestead, since we're not putting in a lot more effort into homesteading since we own the and were on, and its a lot more than a city yard to work with!

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