Hello from Maine-new layer-egg size increase?


Jul 3, 2016
Maine, Androscoggin County
I feed the family chickens when I was in grade school, we got out of it (apparently the dogs and pig preferred the taste of them) and now I began my own quest of chicken ownership. I am two weeks into eating medium/smallish light brown colored, orange yolked eggs provided by this young Easter Egger!

The eggs are perfectly shaped but about 1/2-2/3 the size of standard large eggs from the grocery store but she lays almost every day.

Will her egg size increase as she matures?

if so will she produce less (in number) eggs?

Thanks. And hello again!

Hi, and :welcome
Yes, they should increase in size, especially if this is her first year. I think chickens are in their prime for eggs around 2 :)
Hi and
Those are such pretty birds! You already have some great advice, so I just wanted to say thanks for joining us!
Mainly it is the super high production layer breeds that drop off in their 2 nd. year etc. They are also prone to reproduction issues.

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