Hello from Michigan


8 Years
Sep 4, 2011
Hello. I am fairly new at keeping chickens. We got our chicks in May and I just got an adult chicken yesterday. I have a light Brahma. I actually had 2, but my favorite chick turned out to be a rooster, so we took him to the family farm, where he can crow to his hearts content. I also have two Australorps, and a Ameracauna. None are laying yet. Then yesterday I got a Barred rock that a friend couldn't keep. She is laying. So it's been a little adventure for us. My 3 daughters just love them. They are used to chickens due to the family farm, but they are much more comfortable now with them.
Welcome Angela! What part of MI are you from?

Be sure to check out the Michigan thread.

We have lots of great, helpful chicken people in Michigan. I'm new to chickens this year and would be lost without BYC.


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