Hello from MT!


6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
I am a 25 year old mother with three beautiful daughters, Kyla 10, Jayda 3, and Isabella 7 weeks. I raise mixed chickens of Buff Orphington//Rhode Island Reds, I have 9 runner ducks, working on hatching Pilgrim Geese and guineas, 12 goats, 3 dogs, 3 cats and a loving, luckily understanding husband. We live in the southern part of MT on a working cow ranch for a very nice older couple and hope to learn some new things on this website.
Welcome to BYC!!!
Glad to have you aboard!!
Hello and welcome from Ohio....so glad you joined BYC

You are living my "lifelong dream". I have always said I would love to live on a ranch in MT. Now that I'm older I'm thinking a warmer climate year round would treat my allergies better :)

Good luck and enjoy the site

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