Hello from New Hampshire!


6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
Southern New Hampshire
Hi everyone,
I'm brand new to raising chickens and very excited! I am married with a 4 year old son, a 17 year old cat and 5 new baby chicks. They are a week old and so far so good- we have a RIR (Sunshine), a Black Australorp (Spooky), a Buff Orpington (Vanessa), a Buff Brahma (Clover) and a little Salmon Faverolle (Sesame). As you can probably tell my son named them all :)

My husband is in the process of building the coop.

I'm looking forward to all that this site provides- and having questions answered, as I'm sure I will have many!
Howdy from Kansas, Pennie20, and
! Great to have you aboard! Best of luck to you and your new flock!

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