Hello from new member in Chicago!


7 Years
Nov 4, 2012
Chicago, IL
Hi Everyone,
I'm Bella from Chicago. I live in the city, and am new to BYC. I have been stalking this thread for awhile now, and even made a post awhile back before I got my chickens. I'll answer the questions below, and hopefully I'll be able to receive all of the help/advice needed here at this forum. Thanks!

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I had chickens growing up on a farm in North Florida, but I had no responsibility to them other than throw some feed and check the eggs every morning LOL. Now, I feel a bit in the dark and very NEW to caring for my own chickens. I got my 3 fully grown hens last Thursday 4-11-13

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 3 fully grown hens, approx 1 year old.

(3) What breeds do you have? I have 2 ISA Browns and 1 Rhode Island Red

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com? Googled Chicago Urban Chickens, trying to find people in Chicago with the same interests.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies? I enjoy traveling, gardening and cooking. I love anything having to do with food - growing, cooking, or learning the science behind it. I also enjoy horseback riding when I have the chance, volunteering within my community, and lunches with my girlfriends. Any opportunities I have to mingle my travels with any of the above, I'm in heaven.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share. I have been married for 9 years, no kids. We have 2 rescue kitties that we adore, a few fish, and now our hens. I am currently a semi-retired International model and spokesperson, and currently work for a well known premium Scotch whisky company as their Chicago Whisky Associate (Specialist).
I had heard chickens are allowed in Chicago. How many do they allow you to have ? What restrictions??? I lived in Chicago for the first 22 years of l my life, and had no idea. Of course I never thought about chickens then(just boys).

If Chicago can allow chickens, so can every place.
Thanks for the welcome dawg53. I'm reading and reading and reading this forum, so I figured I might as well introduce myself :)

@Drumstick Diva- According to Chicago code- chickens are allowed in the city's residential areas for pet/egg purposes only. There is no limit to the number of chickens that you may have, and (as of right now), roosters are also allowed. I believe that if they're loud, smelly, or not very well cared for, it would fall under certain violations, so one must be very careful to keep the neighbors happy -either through the bribery of eggs, or just by being a very good chicken keeper (or both!). Roosters are naturally generally frowned upon as far as I can tell, but many people in Chicago have hens!

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