Hello from New Orleans!


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
New Orleans
I'm actually not sure if I already introduced myself. I've been a member here since 2007, but most of the time just read the forums and I think I posted 3 or 4 times when one of my chickens was sick.

I also copied and pasted the questions suggested. So here goes:

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I got my first chicken for Easter in 2007. We went to get a duckling, since I already had one duck and wanted to "rescue" another because I've heard about how many people buy them for Easter and then dump them. I wanted to ensure that I gave just one duck a good forever home, but they were out of ducks, so my husband looked at the RIR chicks in the cage and suggested I pick one out. We were told they were all hens. Well, my Gracie started crowing after a few months and I realized I now had a pet rooster. After moving back to New Orleans when the renovations to our house were almost finished after hurricane Katrina, my husband and I became volunteers at a local wildlife sanctuary. Any chickens that they got, we adopted. And now we run a bird rescue that included ducks, geese and chickens.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
Currently 101 house chickens.

(3) What breeds do you have?
RIR, Black Australorp, Americauna, White Leghorn, Serama, Polish, Asil, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Black Sexlink and anumber of mixed breeds.

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?
From Starling Talk

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
I run a bird rescue. Also love to write and I make fused glass photo pendants, magnets and other glass items featuring people's photos.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I'm a stay at home mom of 2 teenagers who as of right now don't live with us. I'm married to a wonderful man, Will, and our passion is running our bird rescue. We have starlings, parakeets, pigeons, doves, conures, an Amazon Parrot that tried to rip my nose off a few months ago, button quail, ducks, geese, 2 dogs, a cat and a hedgehog.

I volunteer at the Audubon Zoo and I also take my ducks and chickens as "therapy pets" to nursing homes, the elderly and children with disabilities. I also go to schools to educate teachers and students about ducks, birds and chickens.

My husband and I were in the Urban Farm Spring 2010 magazine and they wrote a story about us and our chickens, we were also interviewed by a newspaper reporter in April and our story was also in the local paper.

All our chickens are pets. Most of them are rescues, some were OOPSIES (the hens are good at hiding eggs and hatching them sometimes), and some we simply wanted to adopt, like our serama chickens. Each and every one of them is spoiled rotten. They are diapered when indoors and when they go outside, they are supervised because we have neighbors that already tried to steal them (not knowing that our chickens are kept in the house). Some sleep on the bed with us, some on the sofa downstairs, some on the stairs, a few on the dresser, etc.

We also have a lot of crippled chickens and ducks. Rhett has a neurological problem he's had since birth and he can't walk or balance and his toes are curled. He has a wheelchair. Phoenix was found at the park over a year ago. A lady saw a dead chicken on her way to work for 3 days, figuring it was hit by a car. On the 4th day she saw the chicken move and brought her to us. Phoenix had a hole in her side and a broken leg, and her wound was covered in maggots. She smelled awful and we figured it would be best to have her put down. But this was a Saturday and our vet was already closed so we decided to clean her up, make her comfortable and then take her in on Monday and put her down. But Monday came and she was in her box, she looked up at me, clucked and started to eat. I figured she was asking for a chance, and I gave her one. That was a year and a half ago and she is the most affectionate hen we have. She is fully recovered and walks with a slight limp, but other than that, you can't tell she was at death's door. There's also Pippi, she was born with no knees. We have several ducks that can't walk as well.

Recently I got into glass fusing. I bought a kiln and I love making things out of glass. I found a way to put people's photos on glass and fuse them on permanently. I have done several for a lot of my friends and now am swamped with orders for Halloween and Christmas themed pendants, magnets and other pieces. The money I make goes right back into our bird rescue. We always have vet bills, had a few chickens that had surgery and a few that need surgery. My glass helps pay the bills.

I was born in Poland my name is Katrina, but since the hurricane, I've been going by my Polish name, Kasia. I named our rescue Kasia's Ark. http://www.kasiasark.com

I love showing my pets off on You Tube and have a ton of cute videos online, one is of my rooster Charlie's surgery a few weeks ago. Our avian vet let me sit in on the surgery and get it on video.

Well, I think that's about it for introductions. LOL
Hi Kasia/Katrina - welcome to BYC or welcome back. I know you'll enjoy browsing the threads and posting and getting to know the fine folks here on BYC.

You sound like my kind of woman. Give me a little time and I'll have an animal rescue farm going on here as well. We were living in Covington but after Katrina it was no longer the sleepy little town we loved so we bought a farm in MS and moved here and have added every sort of animal. We just leased our home in Covington this week so now we are officially "moved".

Don't be a stranger - jump in and start posting.

Thank you! I've been on here browsing all day and my feathered babies aren't too happy. I didn't cook any dinner so now I have very cranky chickens.

Imp, my daily life is pretty chaotic but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monigue, I WISH I had a farm. We live in the city, I can't stand my neighbors and I wish I had none. We have had nothing but problems with idiotic neighbors wanting my roosters for cockfighting, my ducks for dinner and my hens for dinner. Our huge shed in the backyard that we planned on turning into a coop was broken into and nothing was taken, so we know they were after the chickens. We have had a lot of kids in the neighborhood killing ducks and stealing baby ducks from their moms. It's a constant battle and I ended up putting up surveillance cameras in my yard and putting locks on my pens and I never leave anyone outside when I leave the house. It's ridiculous. One man set two of his huge dogs free and let them in my yard in hopes that they would kill a couple of my chickens. I told him it's not a FARM, I run a RESCUE. But some people just don't get that.

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