Hello from Norway

from Winter haven, FL

lovely chickens!
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Thank you all for the warm welcome! I hope you can bear my sometimes silly questions, I am still learning the "lingo" as there are quite a few specialist words in these hobbies. I am also learning that things are done quite differently "over there" in a lot of aspects.

I don't really have a coop, to be honest. The chickens I have now are my first ones, none have started laying or crowing yet.
I have just taken an existing outside concrete room with a couple of tiny windows and placed a few roosts and such in it and layered the floor with food shavings. I have cut out a chicken door from a corner of the wooden door and have built a small roofed pen just outside.

I will be builing a larger outside pen (with netting roof) connected to the existing one shortly. I am also thinking about building a chicken tractor and/or another little hen house so I can have separate flocks for breeding if I want to.

I have no pictures from inside the "coop" but I have a few pictures taken inside the pen where you can see into the coop. As you can see, I ran out of paint.
The roost is on the side you can't see. What you see is a dust bath in front and a chicken box with heat lamp further back (for the smallest ones to sleep in if they like). The stuff hanging down is a few slices of bread on a wire to give them some more to do.

Here you can see the little chicken door which folds closed and locks with a latch.

Scratching the ground outside. The bowl is filled with water (which they almost immediately spill, it's obviously much fun
) There is a water automat and a feed automat inside.


Another one of my little darlings, he (she?) has grown a bit larger now. It's a blue (or splash?) orpington.

My "little" brahma lady
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That's a nice set up you have there. A lot of us have improvised coops from buildings or materials we had on hand. I think yours looks great. Welcome from Kansas, USA!
from Texas. I didn't see this post last month...but wanted to say Welcome anyways.

I used to work for a Norwegian company - Petroleum Geo-Services. I worked there for 5 years with a lot of Norwegians, and my supervisor was lucky enough to go to Oslo on a business trip...he LOVED it there!

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