hello from Ohio

from Eastern Kentucky.
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You guys are so sweet! Thank you so much! I'm from about 35-45 mins south of Sandusky, so north central Ohio. I am currently splitting the groups, so the older 25 are living in their coop, which I built into a horse stall in one of the barns. I'm a horse trainer, so they come first... But I have a barn I don't use much with 10 empty stalls, so they got one of those! The other 11 are in a water trough, lol... My fave one is currently being named... I'm thinking "henrietta" "etta" or idk? I kind of like etta cuz I always end up calling her henry when it is Henrietta... Lol... She is so sweet though! She roosts on my knee, although today she tried my head
crazy bird! Lol... I also have two dogs, one house kitty and two barn cats and a slew of horses...

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