Hello from Pennsylvania and what to do about a hen pecked rooster!


In the Brooder
May 27, 2017
We have 30 hens and 1 rooster and the ladies seem to be ganging up on him. Under his comb he has scabs on both sides and fresh openings today. What ideas can anyone share with how to handle this situation? I guess this is where the phrase henpecked comes from. Thanks not at this very long.
Welcome to BYC.
You could remove him or block him off away from the meanies.
Hi and welcome to BYC. If your cock bird is not yet mature, then the higher ranking girls are likely to put him in his place. If he is mature, then I'd consider replacing him.
A rooster can handle 10 hens, 30 of them are way too many. You need 3 roosters for that amount, IF you need a rooster at all. If you don't need fertile eggs for hatching or selling, you can get along fine without a rooster. I bet he would love being rehomed to someone with just a few docile hens.

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