Hello from Petersburg Alaska


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 26, 2009
Petersburg Alaska
Hello from Petersburg Alaska

My husband and I recently built our coop out of pallets and plywood. It actually turned out very nice. We got some chickens from a friend here in town.

I have currently 10 chickens ( 2 pearl-white leghorns, 2 silver speckled hamburgs, 2 black australorps, 2 cuckoo, 1 americana, 1 buff orpington), 2 rouen ducks, 1 orange tabby cat, 1 golden retriever, 1 boxer, 1 son and a husband

Whew...when I say it like that...it sounds like I have a whole herd:D

Anyways..this is the greatest sight ever!! We are new to all this and I have learned so much already from u guys

I hope to here more from you all soon:)
from East TN!
Welcome to BYC, we have a lot of Alaskans on here. I bet they'd be a great source of information for you if you need it. Your state is so unlike any other.

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