Hello From Richmond, VA


7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I'm thrilled to have found this website! Richmond, VA currently has an ordinance for chickens that makes it virtually impossible to house chickens in the city. Your chickens are required to be 500 feet from other residential homes and like most cities the lots in Richmond are not designed with those types of requirements particularly in the older neighborhoods. I've contacted my councilman over the issue and I seem to get the run around. If anyone has any solid advice on how to proceed, please let me know. Meanwhile, I'm going to dig in deep on this website and see what I can learn about how to change the process!!!!

Chickens for Richmond!!!!
I live in a city and we're allowed to have 9 hens, no roosters. From what I hear, many towns are beginning to be a little more accommodating. I wish you the best. This is a great website! It has been extremely helpful to me. I had to stitch up a chicken from a hawk attack a year ago and the support here was tremendous!!! That chicken took 14 stitches across her crop and she is alive and well and remains my best layer. I just performed bumblefoot surgery this past weekend thanks to the information on this site. Hopefully I saved this poor hen from getting sick and dying. We'll see how she recovers.

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