Hello From Santa Cruz,CA!

Thank you for all the suggestions! My only problem with trying to place them on the roosting bar is they are very flighty and won't let me really "hold" them. Perhaps closing off the nesting boxing and raising the bar will help with this? I like the 2x4 suggestion, since they seem to have a hard time balancing on the bar that is currently there. I really want to make sure they have everything they need to be happy! :)

That's why it needs to be done at night after they have gone into their torpid state. Not only will they be much easier to handle then, but when they fully revive in the daylight, they will already be on the roosting bars.
Welcome to BYC
Kudos to you for giving those poor hens a good, loving home! That coop is really cute and I like your idea of improvements. If predators are a concern, in the Chicken Predators & Pests section of the Learning Centre you will find some good tips on how to make your coop safer and more secure. Enjoy the site!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Oh how nice you could rescue these birds! Yes, it will take them a while to know they are chickens. But with a bit of love and attention, soon they will know how to be chickens. I am sure they are thrilled you are giving them a second chance at life.

Enjoy your new flock and welcome to ours!
Our current nesting box and roost. Plan to replace with a 2x4 until they learn to balance.. since no one seems to be using it. Also replacing plastic roofing material with a green house top for better protection. And two the left the grand plan, is to add another upstairs area along with a bigger run.

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