Hello from SD


Jul 12, 2016
Yankton SD
Hi everyone. I am new to the forum (kinda obvious if my first post is here) ;) I live in S.E. SD on a small 10 acre farm. The birds were here before I moved in. There have been as few as 8 chickens to 300 (my 5yr old kept "finding eggs" for the incubator).we also have a flock of geese, 3 confused turkeys, peafowl, and ducks. I don't know breeds of the animals. I let everything freeroam so they are all mixes now.

Besides the birds, we have a variety of goats, alpaca, sheep, and a pair of horses.

For the past 3 yrs anytime I have a question I Google for answers. I grew up 40mi east of NYC and never been to a farm beforw relocating here. So as our farm grew i had MANY questions. I have always enjoyed reading the posts that show up. I have saved a few kids and gotter many ideas for the birds. I decided to finally join the ranks of BYC because I am starting some new projects. I will be building some new buildings to house and work the animals and we were given a pair of pigs (with piglets) to raise (love home raised food). Again I find myself kinda clueless on how and what to do.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my intro and I look forward to meeting you all.


Hope you continue to have a wonderful time here! We're glad to have you join us!
Hi Jenn and welcome to BYC - great that you have joined us. Please make yourself at home here with us.

Best wishes

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