Hello From Sunny Florida! (when it's not raining... lol)

Welcome to BYC :frow:welcome
Well for the most part, I want to enjoy all the colors and I like to watch their different personalities and egg colors. I did get 10 black broilers, but we will have to see how that goes... they seem very friendly :confused:

You don't want to get attached to broilers, they aren't really "built" for a long life. The bright side is, you'll have plenty of egg layers to love!
Hi! Welcome to BYC! Great introduction, sounds like you have a really nice flock and that you are well on your way to figuring out this site too. Lots of great people with helpful information here, make friends and enjoy yourself.
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Yes! I'm excited to learn from everyone and I'll be posting my trials and errors too... Looks like a great group of chicken lovers here :)
We do have orange trees... the chicken love oranges!!
We do have orange trees... the chicken love oranges!!
I have navels, tangerines, satsumas, tangelos, meyer lemons, limes & grapefruit and she won't touch them. The dogs, however, pick their own, peel them and eat them spitting out the seeds its hilarious to watch. In season they hardly eat dogfood they are so full of citrus.

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