Hi... We're up here in lovely Central New York. Don't have chickens yet, but I've been looking on craigslist & we may start with some from Tractor Supply because I'd prefer to get them locally & most hatcheries I've found online have 5 chick per breed minimum.
My 16 year old daughter wants Silkies & our little guy(9) wants Dorkings & Ameraucanas... both want to show them, which I think is really cool. I'd like to build a pretty colorful flock with all sorts of breeds. Looking for Light Brahmas, Gold Laced Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Salmon Faverolles, Holland & Buff Orpingtons. I'm open to suggestions too!
We went to an animal auction in Bridgeport last weekend, but they had no chicks. I read somewhere that there are other auctions fairly near here, but haven't been able to get any info. Anyone want to help a newbie out? We're willing to drive awhile.
My 16 year old daughter wants Silkies & our little guy(9) wants Dorkings & Ameraucanas... both want to show them, which I think is really cool. I'd like to build a pretty colorful flock with all sorts of breeds. Looking for Light Brahmas, Gold Laced Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Salmon Faverolles, Holland & Buff Orpingtons. I'm open to suggestions too!
We went to an animal auction in Bridgeport last weekend, but they had no chicks. I read somewhere that there are other auctions fairly near here, but haven't been able to get any info. Anyone want to help a newbie out? We're willing to drive awhile.