Hello from Syracuse!


10 Years
Mar 11, 2009
East Syracuse
Hi... We're up here in lovely Central New York. Don't have chickens yet, but I've been looking on craigslist & we may start with some from Tractor Supply because I'd prefer to get them locally & most hatcheries I've found online have 5 chick per breed minimum.

My 16 year old daughter wants Silkies & our little guy(9) wants Dorkings & Ameraucanas... both want to show them, which I think is really cool. I'd like to build a pretty colorful flock with all sorts of breeds. Looking for Light Brahmas, Gold Laced Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Salmon Faverolles, Holland & Buff Orpingtons. I'm open to suggestions too!

We went to an animal auction in Bridgeport last weekend, but they had no chicks. I read somewhere that there are other auctions fairly near here, but haven't been able to get any info. Anyone want to help a newbie out? We're willing to drive awhile.
I live about a hour north of syracuse in Copenhagen. You are the first person on here that I have found close to me !!!! I am just starting out with chickens too. I have six layers but I am looking to purchase chicken for my kids to show. I have been told that the chickens you get from tracter supply and other hatcheries are not good for show birds. Maybe if we are interested in the same types of birds we could get them shipped together, to cut are cost and keep them warmer.

Sounds good to me! I planned on getting the Wyandottes & maybe Barred Rocks from TSC, since they won't likely be for show. What breeds are you looking for?


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