Hello from Tennessee

We had just moved to Tennessee and had only been here 3 weeks when my husband came home from the store with chickens. We had never talked of having chickens. Now I love it. We had other breeds and had to start culling due to one or two of the chickens eating the feet of other chickens. We spent three months bandaging chicken feet until we finally got rid of the nasty chickens doing the damage. We went from a flock of 33 to 14. I need to say, we sold 8 of those chickens. But apparently not the ones with a fetish for feet. Now we’re back up to 31. 4 of those are roosters. Blue Red Laced Wyandotte, Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, and Silver Laced Polish.

We have 13 pullets right now: wyandottes, buff Orpingtons, dominiques, easter eggers, a silver-gray Dorking, buff brahmas, and a Favorelles. We have room for more, but I'm going to try to stay at this number for a while because they all get along pretty well, and I'm not sure what I'd do with dozens of eggs every day, and I'd feel bad to waste them. Though I saw some "Ameraucanas" in the tractor store the other day, and it's really hard to resist when they're right there in front of you. Sorry you had some bullies in your flock. I was a little worried about getting a mixed flock, but I decided if any didnt' get along, I'd sell or cull the offenders also. I hope all of yours are getting along now.
Hello, I’m new to this forum. I started with chickens after moving to Tennessee when my husband came home with them (without informing me). Now I have 31 chickens and I love it. Them come to me when I call them and sit in my lap to take a nap. Needless to say, I spoil them.
I have Ameraucanas, Rhode Island reds, Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandotte’s, Welsummers, Penedesencas, and one Silver Laced Polish (which I just found out is a rooster ).

:welcome, we are glad that you joined us. You have a great assortment of birds. I bet your Polish cockerel was an extra. Keep us updated on your new chicken experience.

Good luck.
We have 13 pullets right now: wyandottes, buff Orpingtons, dominiques, easter eggers, a silver-gray Dorking, buff brahmas, and a Favorelles. We have room for more, but I'm going to try to stay at this number for a while because they all get along pretty well, and I'm not sure what I'd do with dozens of eggs every day, and I'd feel bad to waste them. Though I saw some "Ameraucanas" in the tractor store the other day, and it's really hard to resist when they're right there in front of you. Sorry you had some bullies in your flock. I was a little worried about getting a mixed flock, but I decided if any didnt' get along, I'd sell or cull the offenders also. I hope all of yours are getting along now.
These are getting along very well. I’ll let you in on a secret for your eggs. Cook your eggs. Wash out the shells and put them in the oven for about 15 minutes at 250F. Crush the shells and feed them to the chickens for calcium. As a treat, feed the scrambled eggs to your chickens. They like it, it won’t make them eat the eggs in the shells because it doesn’t taste or smell the same, and it’s full of protein. Keep in mind I had 33 chickens and one month we had 688 eggs. No way could we sell or eat that many eggs. We also have 11 sheep and 2 livestock guard dogs. The dogs love the eggs, too. Just a thought.
Welcome! I own 6 chickens, including Buff Orpington's:
Hello, I’m new to this forum. I started with chickens after moving to Tennessee when my husband came home with them (without informing me). Now I have 31 chickens and I love it. Them come to me when I call them and sit in my lap to take a nap. Needless to say, I spoil them.
I have Ameraucanas, Rhode Island reds, Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandotte’s, Welsummers, Penedesencas, and one Silver Laced Polish (which I just found out is a rooster ).

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people!

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