Hello from Tennessee


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 23, 2014
West Tennessee
Hi, My name is Gret and I am so in love with my chickens! Started early this year with RIRs, and now also have some Polish and Americaunas. Looking forward to learning so much more from all the experienced people here!

1 Barred Rock Rooster, 7 RIR Hens, 3 Wheaten Americaunas,2 Buffed Lace Polish, 3 Black and Gold Polish, 3 beautiful Americauna roosters, 2 turkeys, a Golden pheasant and his mate, 4 Nigerian Dwarf goats, 2 Boer goats, 1 Kiko goat, 1 Katahdin sheep, 7 Rabbits, 21 Guineas, 2 Paint and 1 Chestnut mini horses, 1 Boxer and 1 Cavie Spaniel, 1 Labrador and 1 DH
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A big welcome to BYC!
You've come to the right site for an excellent learning curve.
Please make yourself at home as there are many here that are at the ready to help answer any questions or concerns!
We will look forward to 'seeing' you around (and man I wanna be like you when I 'grow' up, I love your menagerie!)

Your newest fan!

Welcome to BYC, Gret! Glad you decided to join our flock. We all love chickens here. X2 on the 1 rooster to 10 hen ratio. Roosters can be very hard on your hens physically; over-breeding them, injuring them with their beaks and spurs, and battering them. I currently have 25 hens, no roosters, and I get loads of eggs without feeding any non-egg laying mouths, without the aggression, fights, crowing in the middle of the night, injuries, and over-bred and battered hens that frequently goes along with having roosters (especially too many). Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you have a lovely flock! Yes, you will probably need to rehome most of those roos at some point.

Enjoy your lovely flock and welcome to ours!
Lots of roosters. Will you be keeping them all? One rooster can handle 10 hens, any less and they get overbred, damaged and sometimes much worse. You have an interested flock of breeds - like your dog choices too a Cavalier ? what color, and everybody loves labs. Welcome to BYC
Thank you! I'm not sure about all the roosters, I ended up with them when my sister sent me a nice bunch of babies from McMurray Hatcheries. They are fairly young, about 12 weeks now, but I'm pretty sure I won't be keeping them together. The Cavie is a tricolor, about 4 years old

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