Hello from Texas!


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2015
It's about time I introduced myself!

My name is Tiffany, though many called me Sierra as I prefer to be called c: I am a free lance artist and I hope to do some art for ya'll here to practice on my avians! I'm from the big beautiful state of Texas and we own a few (If you call 30 a few!) chickens.

Our flock consists of:
Black Austrolorps
Cornish/Broilers (Not really sure on these. We received these from Dad's friends and these are HUGE.)
Barred Rocks
White Leghorns (Or so I think they are. I'm not 100% sure)
Silved Laced Wyandottes
Gold Laced Wyandottes
And a few white chickens with black spotting all over their backs. I am unsure of what breed these are. They look like Snowy owls.

My favorite chickens are the Barred Rocks, one of them in particular is extremely sweet and follows me around like a puppy dog. The Broilers are a mean bunch and are a bit of a bully to the other hens/roosters.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. Which part of Texas are you from? My wife and I were both raised in the great state of Texas. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your chickens.
Hi and welcome to BYC!

barred rocks are also one of my favorite chickens I have about 10 of them and I think there very good layers.

Anyway I wish you the best of luck with your chickens and I hope you have lots of fun looking after them.
Broilers are meat chickens, they don't bother with social skills, they just live to eat until they are processed for the table. It's usually best to separate them from layers etc. because they will bully them away from the feeders. Your other breeds are beauties and good layers. They should make you very happy. Welcome to BYC.
Michael OShay
We are from DFW and thank you! I'll be sure to hit you up if I have any questions x) I'll have to take some pictures of our girls and boys because I can not figure what the little white ones are for the life of me!

BantamFan4Life & Omle
Thank you for the warm welcome! I can't wait to be a part of the community!

drumstick diva
Aye, that's what I've read about them so far. These are technically my father's chickens and are the oldest of the flock (5 months now I believe) and these hens will give you the stink eye if you even so much glance their way. We feed them separately from the rest since we've noticed the bullying issue.
Michael OShay
We are from DFW and thank you! I'll be sure to hit you up if I have any questions x) I'll have to take some pictures of our girls and boys because I can not figure what the little white ones are for the life of me!
My wife and I were both raised not far from where you are (Blue Ridge for her, Greenville for me).

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