Hello from the Caribbean!!!


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
I have recently moved to live with my father in The British Virgin Islands where i work in a bar and have wanted to keep chickens for years since i used to keep them when i was younger so i went ahead and built a coop out of scrap materials i found lying around the island everything on the koop is recycled and the only materials i bought was hinges and a padalock!! I will post pics but i have found this website extremely helpful so far with its vast knowledge and information!!! I look forward to being part of the community haha!!!

The frame of my baby (please remember i built this on my own and have 0% experience of joinery or building anything haha)


the finished baby haha it is very typical of the caribbean! shantily but still holds tight and wont let any of the mongoose we have on the island in!! i have i male rooster and i female for the time being but im planning on catching some more over on the other island as the island i am on does not have wild foul!


Little inside shot! theres a decent sized shelf in the top right corner of the coop for them to sleep and they are settling in well ive had them in there for 3 days now, ideally i would like to let them out to roam around the yard during the day but im thinking if i keep them in there for a week and feed them everyday they will know that is where the food source is and come back at night to sleep etc what do u guys think ?!

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